Nowadays, when money is tight and you are trying your level best to save some cash for that year end vacation, wouldn’t it be nice if I tell you that there’s a cheap tablet coming out packed with the power of Android 4.0 and all the basic requirements you are looking for? Now, let me excite you further. What can you do with $227 or say, 185 Euros when...
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Tags: Android 4.0 Energy i8 Tablet, Energy i8, Energy i8 Android 4.0, Energy i8 Android 4.0 ICS, Energy i8 Features, Energy i8 Launch, Energy i8 Price, Energy i8 Price in Asia, Energy i8 Price in UK, Energy i8 Price in US, Energy i8 Release, Energy i8 Review, Energy i8 Specifications, Energy i8 Specs, Energy i8 Tablet, Energy i8 Tablet Features, Energy i8 Tablet Price, Energy i8 Tablet Review, Energy i8 Tablet Specs, Energy Sistem i8, Energy Sistem i8 Tablet