Apple wants to start the second half of 2012 with a bang. Just today, the Cupertino-based technology giant announces its new generation of MacBook Pro which will sport the new display technology known as Retina Display. Boy Genius Report India ( reported that they have received an official pricing from Apple citing that the base model of the new MacBook Pro will be offered for 152,900 Indian Rupees while the model which sports higher specs will be marketed having a price tag of 192,900 Rupees. Basically, the new generation of MacBook...
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We have already heard about the rumors that Apple would be using Intel’s chips for its next generation MacBook Pro and iMac since 2011. I thought such rumors would be confirmed late this year but as early as today, GeekBench confirmed through a benchmark entry that Apple is almost ready to launch it’s new computers. The said Canadian website has a history...